The very first years of a child's education is crucial in terms of social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional development, as during those years both mental and physical abilities of a child progresses at an astonishing rate compared to other stages of human life. As a matter of fact, a greater proportion of learning takes place during these early years of education.
When we consider the early education, we come to the topic of primary or preschool education. This stage of preschoolers (approximately the age of 3 to 6), is considered to be one of the magical and imaginary phases of life, where they improve their creativity, innovation and other skills. Also, during this stage the very first experiences children receive from the things around them and the things happening around them are well structured in their minds. Further, this stage of preschooler’s is considered to be a preoperative stage of cognitive development, where they recognize colors, shapes and sizes and establish the foundation of reading and writing skills as well as the child’s emotions, thinking abilities and use of language to adopt to the world are developed.
That’s why this early education is important and therefore much consideration should be given to ensure the success of primary education. For that high-quality learning experiences and an interactive, an effective, motivating learning environment should be provided. This can be easily achieved, when education takes hands with technology.
There’s no doubt that technology plays a major role in education, when it comes to making the learning and teaching processes, easier, more enjoyable, more efficient and more interactive, while providing a closer learning experience to the child.
So today, web-based learning has become the most popular method of learning and there, the most popular one is game based learning. In web-based learning child can reach the learning process either through a smartphone or tablet or laptop or even from a desktop computer. However, there, user interaction is limited to the graphical user interface (GUI) where, the user is limited to use the mouse and keyboard or the touch screen. Their child’s verbal and physical abilities are not improved much as a result of not interacting in the learning process in a more active way.
Therefore, to provide an innovative, motivating, creative and more engaging educational environment to enhance the primary childhood education, we propose to implement an interactive robot-friend by emerging newest interactive technologies like augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI).
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